One of my favorite poses is Reclined Goddess. Here’s how to do it.
Resting on your back, invite the soles of the feet to touch with the knees comfortably resting out and down onto the support of the ground or some folded blankets.
Relax your arms by your sides, on your body or overhead. Use neck support (a rolled towel or small cervical pillow) as needed.
Stay for about 5 minutes.
This is a restorative pose whose benefits include stretching the groin, inner thighs and chest. It’s a pose that calms and regulates the nervous system, especially when done with deep belly breathing.
Enjoy thoroughly, imagining you are a radiant Goddess. Invite all the love and joy you deserve to settle into your heart and body. Think thoughts of gratitude and serenity.
When you are ready, draw the navel toward the spine to gently engage the core as you recollect your knees back up and in. You may use your hands to assist with this.
Roll onto one side, taking a layover in fetal pose before rising slowly up to a comfortable seat. This would be a perfect prelude to meditation.
Or move into a knees-to-chest or forward fold pose to balance energy in the chest, legs and spine.